Tuesday, October 31, 2006,
Oh ya hor... it's Halloween hor...
Actually I didn't forget. But it was quite funny to see all the kids walking around in their costumes as I was swimming.
the funny thing is they're all either witches or pumpkins(more witches actually, I only saw one pumpkin. When I mentioned that to my mum, she said
maybe they're just not so creative
As I was swimming today, once again I just realized how much I love swimming.I'm planning on having a swimming party. :) plan to have water polo again.Water polo was so much fun leh!
Only thing was I couldn't swim much today because it was getting quite late. And besides, I was hungry again.
That's one thing that I think people will notice about me. I get hungry easily.It's not like I don't eat enough or something. I ate a proper lunch today and every day unless something happens ( I cannot miss a meal wan.. affects everything, serious!)with dessert you know!( just some kuih lah :D, eh come to think of it what happen to the other piece huh?) then about 3 hours later I was ravenous... was going to swim, so I ate some small bun and a slice of cheese (a little addiction of mine) and 2 glasses of milk. If I wasn't swimming I'd chomp down a big bowl of cereal and an hour later sit down to eat dinner. Oh no, I'm starting to sound like a pig. well a GROWING pig....But seriously lah, what if I become some hungry greedy little pig. EEEK!
Then again I guess I'm just one of the big bunch of people in the world who enjoy food. alot. :P But must jaga lah.... don't give me your "you're don't need to jaga" sermons, when I say jaga I don't mean like checking the weighing scale after every meal or something. i just mean that I want to stay healthy. and not have high cholestrol.. drink lots of water...eat lots of fruits and veg....
Guess that comes from having a very healthy dad huh?
9:16 PM
I just saw this when I logged into friendster(suprise suprise suddenly Joanna is logging more often than usual...got more friends mah! :P ) :
One Night Stand Dating
The net hottest hookups site - no more games!!!
Sick or what? I mean. EW. EW EW! It really makes sex lose all real meaning. sickening.
Anyway, YAY I FINALLY GOT A PICTURE UP. but it's quite...big. yeah hafta learn to adjust the size or something. By the way, anyone know how I can get the iBridge photos? seems like Hwok Lok is emailing them around.. but I never get it. even though I'm in the email list.hmm....
I'm off to go swimming, new swim suit! one that fits me better. :)
Will most probably post more later.( these words seem to have mystical effect, by mystical effect means I probably never post later. hehe)
6:03 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006,
Okay, let's see if this works.. below is a knitted bear.. bereft of eyes and a proper mouth, but it's my first bear, I'm supremely proud of it since it was done without a pattern and only with pure common sense... goes to show how much common sense I have...
9:31 PM
anyone know a good place to learn guitar from?
Sometimes.. I wish I never bothered to start a CF... I just plain don't know how to, and nothing seems to be happening unless I start pushing it.
6:15 PM
I just realized someone else has the a blog with almost the same web add as I do. ramblingsandrants.blogspot.com...
Worship service yesterday was...okay...
Sunday school worship service was also okay...
The presentation was....okay...
dunno why also. so annoying.... every time I try to post the pic, suddenly the whole browser will quit..with all of my other stuff.
Was just reminded of something...
I don't know if this is just a young adult thing or what... but well... it's like this
Ever since my sister (the erm..more errr... advanced in years one) came back from melbourne, she prays like this:
Dear Lord,
(insert some words) Lord,
Lord God please (insert some words),
yes, Lord.
Lord (insert words).
I don't know if it's just me, but she repeats the word Lord a gazillion times in her prayer.And she's not the only adult who does that.correction: not the only YOUNG adult who does that. another example would be
Dear God,
(insert words) Father,
father (insert words),
yes father,
Father (insert words),
Wonder what triggers this kinda praying..not that I have anything against it, but it's..well kinda funny...Or maybe I'm just too bored and have nothing better to do.
5:42 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006,
Yesterday I tried to post my pics and add another post but the whole..hmm.. how do I explain this..browser dissappeared?
Anyway I was too lazy to bother to post again last night so I shall tonight. after this post.
Went for lunch with iBridgers, it was abit boring at times, boring because there were times when there were these pauses in the conversations...and we just kinda stared at each other and can't think of what to say. or at least I couldn't.I was getting one of those 'I can't relate' moments.I kept feeling kinda like I'm not supposed to be there, because..well I AM not really supposed to be there. But it was okay overall.... was very full after lunch. and sleepy.
my hands are aching from playing too much guitar, my left hand is kinda like vibrating as I type this latest entry. Tomorrow I'm going to play for worship! GASP! me.. who learned guitar online and had no formal training at all and never played with the guitar for church before...No wonder I'm nervous.
Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day, firstly Im playing for the adults worship service, then I'm chairing the sunday school worship service and after that I'm in this sunday school presentation. so much for rest on Sunday.
Ah, hand aching already...
10:25 PM
Friday, October 27, 2006,
So I finally decide to come out with a blog that I won't mind the world to see.
This is probably my...5th blog? I'm going to try to be consistent with this blog.
Back from iBridge camp. What to say about it? well I MISS IT. strange but true. But I'm kinda frustrated with the fact that
the friends that I made in the camp, are much older than me, which makes it harder to keep contact with. Or to relate with actually. There were NUMEROUS times during the camp where I felt so OUT of it. But still I didn't want to leave camp..weird huh?
Now that the camp is over. I don't really know how to continue keeping contact.
Reason being: One of the ways to keep contact is to join the headstart meeting, to join the weekly exercises (who knew people were so healthy huh?) or join whatever fun event they come out with. But then I'm not an working adult. I'm not even an ADULT. so I'm well...not meant to be there. I might get the whole left out feeling again. It's almost like my sister going to some office function with me tagging along.
ARGH. dunno lah. hmph. but I WANT and WILL go to the Ikea lunch tomorrow. I want to go for the rock climbing too but I have YF after that.
Of to bathe gonna blog more after this...might even add a picture! :)
7:29 PM